Home Business EU eyes food products export to Azerbaijan

EU eyes food products export to Azerbaijan

By Elena Kosolapova

Azeri Observer Staff Writer

Baku hosted two presentations of high quality European food products by Greek Delcof, Cypriot New Sevegep, Romanian Legume FructeBuzau and Agricultural Unions of Greek Naoussa, Rodochoriou and Zagor.

The events were a part of Pandora and Fruit Life projects, co-funded by the EU. The former project is aimed at promotion of Greek, Romanian and Cypriot fruit compotes, juices, marmalades, olive oil, canned tomatoes and pickles, the latter envisages expansion of Greek fresh fruits export, such as cherries, peaches and apples.

The target of the events is to inform professionals of the food market in Azerbaijan in order to maximize information about the products. The events were attended by managers of local super-markets and hypermarkets, importers, distributors, wholesalers, chefs of restaurants, representatives of foreign diplomatic missions and journalists.

The key speakers of the events noted that fruits and vegetables are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, and disease-fighting phytochemicals. They went on to add that according to many researches done by the world leading institutes, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables everyday can help reduce risk of premature death and stroke as well as many diseases, including cancer and cardiovascular diseases. It was also noted that the presented products meet the EU’s strict quality requirements and bear corresponding markings.

The speakers from the suppliers’ side stressed that they are interested in export of their products to Azerbaijan and new business agreements with distributors and big supply chains in the country.

The companies also took part on the WorldFood Azerbaijan 2018 exhibition which takes place in Baku on May 16-18.


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