Azerbaijan, Argentine Mull Сo-op in Agriculture, Dairy and Meat Industries



The Argentine’s Foreign Ministry, Azerbaijan Export and Investment Promotion Foundation (AZPROMO) and other institutions of both countries organized on March 18 the first “B2B Virtual Meeting between Argentine and Azerbaijan Businessperson” in the area of machinery for agriculture, dairy and meat industries.

Within the event, the 22 participating Argentinian and Azerbaijani companies held more than 30 private bilateral meetings in which they analyzed specific commercial opportunities.

“This meeting is the product of the joint effort of the public and private sectors of Argentina and Azerbaijan and demonstrates the importance that both parties attach to the expansion of their relations in agricultural and livestock development,” Argentinian Undersecretary of Trade and Investment Promotion, Pablo Sívori commented.

Mr. Pablo Sívori

The contacts and exchanges between private companies have shown that these industries face similar challenges in the two countries and that many technological solutions can be applied in rural areas of both Argentine and Azerbaijan.

The participants confirmed the importance of strengthening bilateral ties not only for taking advantage of the concrete possibilities existing in both economies, but also with the aim of working together in the projection to third countries of the region, in particular those that form part of the traditional Silk Road. In this sense, the Argentine businesspeople recognized Azerbaijan as an important partner and a privileged gateway for their exports of different goods to Central Asian countries.

The quality, adaptability and proven efficiency of machinery and know-how developed in Argentine in the last decades explain in a good proportion the accelerated growth of the agricultural production of the South American country.

The Azerbaijani entrepreneurs followed with interest the different products presented by their counterparts and are exploring possible inclusion of the presented machinery in the ongoing process of expansion of Azerbaijan’s agricultural, meat and dairy production.

The Argentine Ambassador, Sergio Pérez Gunella, noted that the Argentine Embassy will continue implementing initiatives to promote commercial relations between businesspersons from both countries.

Ambassador Sergio Pérez Gunella