What’s in the Latest Issue of Azeri Observer Magazine…


Our headline feature for Azeri Observer Magazine’s winter issue is the exciting news, that thanks to the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP), first gas from Azerbaijan has now reached Europe, delivering energy security to the European community. We’ve also been lucky enough to speak to the Ambassador of China to Azerbaijan, Ms. Guo Min and the impact that Chinese medicine had in the Covid-19 vaccine; the Ambassador of Hungary to Azerbaijan, Mr. Viktor Szederkenyi on the flock of Azeri students to Hungarian universities, and the Ambassador of Mexico to Azerbaijan, Mr. Rodrigo Labardini on the special Mexican holiday of Candlemas Day.

Russian journalist, politician and public figure, Mr. Maxim Shevchenko shared his views on Azerbaijan’s victory over Karabakh; Award-winning photo-journalist, Mr. Reza Deghati on his first-hand experience of visiting Ganja after the first bombardment by Armenia; as well as the Spouse of Austrian Ambassador to Azerbaijan, Mrs. Natalia Bayerl, and how the cultural spirit of Baku has inspired her musical creativity.

What the year of 2021 has in store for us is anyone’s guess. As the Covid-19 vaccine has just begun to be administered, let us hope that in the next coming months, schools have fully re-opened, malls can flourish again, but most of all – you can start planning your visit to liberated Karabakh for the first time in 30 years!

With best regards,

The Editorial Team